Wikipedia defines Neurogastroenterology as “the accademic study of the Brain, the gut, and their interactions with relevance to the understanding and management of gastrointestinal motility and functional gastrointestinal disorders. Specifically, Neurogastroenterology focuses on the functions and malfunctions of the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric divisions of the digestive tract”.

INTEGRATIVE NEUROGASTEROENTEROLOGY, instead, has a broader point of view, and focuses on what’s called, since several decades, “The Second Brain”, integrating it with the informations of the Energetic Physiology of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

As Marco teaches in his classes, it’s impossible to study all the Brain functions and disfunctions without taking into account also the Second Brain and the Third Brain (Integrative Neurocardiology). 

How does the Second Brain interacts with the Cranial Brain? How relevant is the Second Brain for the higher functions of the Cranial Brain? Can the Second Brain’s imbalance  cause depression? or Dislexia? 

In this workshop we will answer all this questions and much more. 

The Guts, and in particular the Small Intestine, is not just the second site of higher concentration of neurones (second only to the brain and higher then the spinal cord), but it’s also the site of the main component of the Immune System and of the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). Quite all allergies and chronic immune deseases has a relationship with an imbalance of the Intestines. Hippocrates used to say: the rooth of all deseases sits in the guts.      

Another very important function of the guts is the Gastroenteropancreatic System (GEP), that refers to the synthesis and release of hormones and neurotransmitters. The event that finally updated the guts to the level of a complete Brain was the discovery that 95% of Serotonin, a very important Brain’s neurotransmitter, is produced by the Small Intestine. It has been discovered that the GEP System produces nearly 50 different hormones and neurotransmitters that acts locally but also systemically. 

In the class we will talk a lot about the 4 different types of Dysbiosis, the alteration of the gut’s flora, that can bring to toxins production due to intestinal fermentation and putrefaction. This can cause the Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS) or the Leaky Gut Syndrom, that are very common problems but can generate a wide number of  symptoms. We will talk, also, about Nutrition and allergies. 

In the Integrative Neurogastroenterology workshop you will learn many informations about how tightly are interconnected the Guts with the Nervous System and with the Brain in particular, with the Immune System, with the Endocrine System and, of course, how are related to the perception and process of Emotions. 

You will learn how to assess all this functions and to balance them with specific procedures. 

This workshop is aimed to all those who whants to take a master class on:

– the Second Brain,

– the Digestive System,

– the Immune System,

– the Endocrine System, 

– food (especially gluten) sensitivity,

– chronic and autoimmune deseases,

– Somato-Emotional work,

– Traditional Chinese Medicine.

PREREQUISITE:  80 hours of Kinesiology

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